

Les variables d’environnement peuvent être utilisés pour définir la valeur des options de la ligne de commande.

Toutes les variables de l’application, commence par DLSTATS_


$ DLSTATS_DEBUG=True dlstats fetchers run -v -S -f BIS

# Or:

$ export DLSTATS_DEBUG=True
$ dlstats fetchers run -v -S -f BIS

# Is the same as:

$ dlstats fetchers run --debug -v -S -f BIS


$ dlstats --help

Usage: dlstats [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  export    Export File commands.
  fetchers  Fetchers commands.
  mongo     MongoDB commands.

dlstats fetchers

$ dlstats fetchers --help

Usage: dlstats fetchers [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Fetchers commands.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  calendar  Display calendar for this provider
  datasets  Show datasets list
  datatree  Create or Update fetcher Data-Tree
  list      Show fetchers list
  report    Fetchers report
  run       Run Fetcher - All datasets or selected...
  search    Search in Series
  tags      Create or Update field tags

fetchers calendar

$ dlstats fetchers calendar --help

Usage: dlstats fetchers calendar [OPTIONS]

  Display calendar for this provider

  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -D, --debug
                                  Logging level  [default: ERROR]
  --log-config PATH               Logging config filepath
  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
                                  Fetcher choice  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


$ dlstats fetchers calendar -f ECB
Provider   | Dataset      | Action          | Type   | Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn)
ECB        | TGB          | update_node     | date   | 2016-02-01 - 10:00
ECB        | MIR          | update_node     | date   | 2016-02-04 - 10:00
ECB        | STP          | update_node     | date   | 2016-02-05 - 14:00
ECB        | EXR          | update_node     | date   | 2016-02-08 - 10:00
ECB        | SEC          | update_node     | date   | 2016-02-10 - 10:00

fetchers datasets

$ dlstats fetchers datasets

Usage: dlstats fetchers datasets [OPTIONS]

  Show datasets list

                                  Fetcher choice  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


$ dlstats fetchers datasets -f FED
CHGDEL CHGDEL - Charge-off and Delinquency Rates
CP CP - Commercial Paper
E2 E.2 - Survey of Terms of Business Lending
FOR FOR - Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios
G17 G.17 - Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization
G19 G.19 - Consumer Credit
G20 G.20 - Finance Companies
H10 G.5 / H.10 - Foreign Exchange Rates
H15 H.15 - Selected Interest Rates
H3 H.3 - Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institution and the Monetary Base
H41 H.4.1 - Factors Affecting Reserve Balances
H6 H.6 - Money Stock Measures
H8 H.8 - Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the U.S.
PRATES PRATES - Policy Rates
SLOOS SLOOS - Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices
Z1 Z.1 - Financial Accounts of the United States

fetchers datatree

Usage: dlstats fetchers datatree [OPTIONS]

  Create or Update fetcher Data-Tree

  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent                    Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
                                  Logging level  [default: ERROR]
  --log-config PATH               Logging config filepath
  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  --force                         Force update
                                  Fetcher choice  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

fetchers list

$ dlstats fetchers list


fetchers report

$ dlstats fetchers report --help

Usage: dlstats fetchers report [OPTIONS]

  Fetchers report

  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
                                  Fetcher choice
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


$ dlstats fetchers report
MongoDB: mongodb://localhost/widukind :
Provider   | Ver. | Dataset                        | Series     | Last Update     | First Download       | last Download
ECB        |    4 | EXR                            |      10675 | 2016-01-27      | 2016-01-27 - 17:21   | 2016-01-27 - 17:21
INSEE      |    3 | IPAMPA-2010                    |        300 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 12:53   | 2016-01-28 - 12:53
INSEE      |    3 | IPC-1970-1980-ALIM             |        236 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 12:53   | 2016-01-28 - 12:53
INSEE      |    3 | IPC-1970-1980-MANUF            |        159 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 12:53   | 2016-01-28 - 12:53
INSEE      |    3 | IPC-1970-1980-SERV             |        130 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 12:53   | 2016-01-28 - 12:53
INSEE      |    3 | IPC-1980-PDET                  |         98 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 12:54   | 2016-01-28 - 12:54
INSEE      |    3 | IPI-2010-A21                   |         20 | 2016-01-27      | 2016-01-27 - 16:58   | 2016-01-27 - 16:58
ECB        |    4 | EXR                            |      10675 | 2016-01-27      | 2016-01-27 - 17:21   | 2016-01-27 - 17:21
FED        |    2 | CHGDEL                         |        264 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 18:33   | 2016-01-28 - 18:35
FED        |    2 | CP                             |         64 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:16   | 2016-01-28 - 18:35
FED        |    2 | E2                             |       2425 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:17   | 2016-01-28 - 18:35
FED        |    2 | FOR                            |          4 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:17   | 2016-01-28 - 18:35
FED        |    2 | G17                            |       2498 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:19   | 2016-01-28 - 18:37
FED        |    2 | G19                            |         81 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-27 - 19:08   | 2016-01-28 - 18:37
FED        |    2 | G20                            |        128 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:21   | 2016-01-28 - 18:37
FED        |    2 | H10                            |         52 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:21   | 2016-01-28 - 18:37
FED        |    2 | H15                            |        133 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:23   | 2016-01-28 - 18:39
FED        |    2 | H3                             |         41 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 17:23   | 2016-01-28 - 18:39
FED        |    2 | H6                             |         63 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 18:41   | 2016-01-28 - 19:09
FED        |    2 | H8                             |       1135 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 18:42   | 2016-01-28 - 18:42
FED        |    2 | PRATES                         |          2 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 18:42   | 2016-01-28 - 18:42
FED        |    2 | SLOOS                          |        297 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-28 - 18:42   | 2016-01-28 - 18:42
FED        |    2 | Z1                             |      30267 | 2016-01-28      | 2016-01-27 - 19:31   | 2016-01-28 - 18:51
ESRI       |    2 | kdef-cy                        |         22 | 2015-12-04      | 2016-01-27 - 19:41   | 2016-01-27 - 19:41
ESRI       |    2 | kdef-fy                        |         22 | 2015-12-04      | 2016-01-27 - 19:40   | 2016-01-27 - 19:40
ESRI       |    2 | kdef-q                         |         22 | 2015-12-04      | 2016-01-27 - 19:41   | 2016-01-27 - 19:41
ESRI       |    2 | kkiyo-jcy                      |         22 | 2015-12-04      | 2016-01-27 - 19:40   | 2016-01-27 - 19:40
ESRI       |    2 | kkiyo-jfy                      |         22 | 2015-12-04      | 2016-01-27 - 19:41   | 2016-01-27 - 19:41
BIS        |    3 | CBS                            |      87797 | 2016-01-19      | 2016-01-27 - 19:59   | 2016-01-27 - 19:59
BIS        |    3 | CNFS                           |        958 | 2015-12-01      | 2016-01-27 - 20:00   | 2016-01-27 - 20:00
BIS        |    3 | DSRP                           |         66 | 2015-12-01      | 2016-01-27 - 20:00   | 2016-01-27 - 20:00

fetchers run

$ dlstats fetchers run --help

Usage: dlstats fetchers run [OPTIONS]

  Run Fetcher - All datasets or selected dataset

  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent                    Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
                                  Logging level  [default: ERROR]
  --log-config PATH               Logging config filepath
  --log-file PATH                 log file for output
  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  --data-tree                     Update data-tree before run.
                                  Fetcher choice  [required]
  -d, --dataset TEXT              Run selected dataset only
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Load or update DSRP dataset for BIS:

$ dlstats fetchers run -f BIS -d DSRP

fetchers tags

$ dlstats fetchers tags --help

Usage: dlstats fetchers tags [OPTIONS]

  Create or Update field tags

  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent                    Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
                                  Logging level  [default: ERROR]
  --log-config PATH               Logging config filepath
  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
                                  Fetcher choice  [required]
  -d, --dataset TEXT              Run selected dataset only
  -M, --max-bulk INTEGER          Max Bulk  [default: 20]
  -c, --collection [datasets|series|ALL]
                                  Collection  [default: ALL; required]
  -g, --aggregate                 Run aggregate tags after update.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

dlstats mongo

$ dlstats mongo --help

Usage: dlstats mongo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  MongoDB commands.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  check          Verify connection
  check-schemas  Check datas in DB with schemas
  clean          Delete MongoDB collections
  reindex        Reindex collections

mongo check

$ dlstats mongo check --help

Usage: dlstats mongo check [OPTIONS]

  Verify connection

  -v, --verbose     Enables verbose mode.
  --pretty          Pretty display.
  --mongo-url TEXT  URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  --help            Show this message and exit.


$ dlstats mongo check
Connection OK
pymongo version : 3.1
-------------------- Server Infos --------------------
{'allocator': 'system',
 'bits': 64,
 'compilerFlags': '/TP /nologo /EHsc /W3 /wd4355 /wd4800 /wd4267 /wd4244 /Z7 '
                  '/errorReport:none /O2 /Oy- /MT /GL',
 'debug': False,
 'gitVersion': '05bebf9ab15511a71bfbded684bb226014c0a553',
 'javascriptEngine': 'V8',
 'loaderFlags': '/nologo /LTCG /DEBUG /LARGEADDRESSAWARE '
 'maxBsonObjectSize': 16777216,
 'ok': 1.0,
 'sysInfo': 'windows sys.getwindowsversion(major=6, minor=1, build=7601, '
            "platform=2, service_pack='Service Pack 1') "
 'version': '2.4.14',
 'versionArray': [2, 4, 14, 0]}
-------------------- Host Infos ----------------------
{'extra': {'pageSize': 4096},
 'ok': 1.0,
 'os': {'name': 'Microsoft Windows 7',
        'type': 'Windows',
        'version': '6.1 SP1 (build 7601)'},
 'system': {'cpuAddrSize': 64,
            'cpuArch': 'x86_64',
            'currentTime': datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 5, 7, 9, 6, 766000),
            'hostname': 'admin-VAIO',
            'memSizeMB': 6125,
            'numCores': 4,
            'numaEnabled': False}}

mongo check-schemas

$ dlstats mongo check-schemas --help

Usage: dlstats mongo check-schemas [OPTIONS]

  Check datas in DB with schemas

  -v, --verbose             Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent              Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
  --mongo-url TEXT          URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  -M, --max-errors INTEGER  [default: 0]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


dlstats mongo check-schemas --max-errors 5 --silent
Attention, opération très longue
check series...
Max error attempt. Skip test !
check categories...
Max error attempt. Skip test !
check datasets...
Max error attempt. Skip test !
check providers...
Collection           | Count      | Verified   | Errors     | Time
series               |     315032 |       9826 |          5 | 10.488
categories           |       6875 |       1200 |          5 | 0.335
datasets             |         23 |          9 |          5 | 0.012
providers            |          5 |          5 |          0 | 0.001
time elapsed : 10.841 seconds

mongo clean


Dangerous operation !

$ dlstats mongo clean --help

Usage: dlstats mongo clean [OPTIONS]

  Delete MongoDB collections

  -v, --verbose     Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent      Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
  --mongo-url TEXT  URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  --help            Show this message and exit.

mongo reindex


All Writes operations is blocked pending run !

$ dlstats mongo reindex --help

Usage: dlstats mongo reindex [OPTIONS]

  Reindex collections

  -v, --verbose     Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent      Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
  --mongo-url TEXT  URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
  --help            Show this message and exit.

dlstats export

$ dlstats export --help

Usage: dlstats export [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Export File commands.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  csvfile  Download csvfile from one dataset.

export csvfile

$ dlstats export csvfile --help

Usage: dlstats export csvfile [OPTIONS]

  Download csvfile from one dataset.


    dlstats export csvfile -S -p BIS -d DSRP --create

    widukind-dataset-bis-dsrp.csv not exist. creating...
    export to widukind-dataset-bis-dsrp.csv - created[2016-01-30-05:09:57]

  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -S, --silent                    Suppress confirm
  -D, --debug
                                  Logging level  [default: ERROR]
  --log-config PATH               Logging config filepath
  --mongo-url TEXT                URL for MongoDB connection.  [default:
                                  Provider Name  [required]
  -d, --dataset TEXT              Run selected dataset only  [required]
  -P, --filepath PATH             Export filepath
  --create                        Create csv file if not exist.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.